Portico is one of the most comprehensive digital preservation archives; we hold more content than others and have extensive knowledge about the content we preserve, including  an understanding of component file types and formats. The archive is growing daily, and the information below is regularly updated.

participating publishers

on behalf of over 2,000 societies and associations

participating libraries
trigger events
committed ejournal titles
committed ebook titles
committed digital collections

Preserved content

Preserved archival units (articles, books, etc.) 142,389,377
Preserved ejournal titles 39,039
Preserved ebook titles 1,768,056
Preserved files 2,543,907,717
Preserved images 1,538,411,848
Preserved repository-created archival files 306,330,756
Preserved supplied text files 521,512,220
Preserved application-specific files 34,320,625
Preserved multi-file packages 21,709,689
Preserved video files 426,970
Preserved audio files 11,144
Preserved executable files 118